Monday, March 22, 2010

More cats!

This was sent to me by my good friend Tricia at Tee short and I agree with her description: I think this is positive and uplifting.  It's Wilford Brimley look-a-like cat tricks.  
I think they're adorable.  And the one totally looks like Wilford Brimley.  I really want a cat now.


  1. That cat was super excited to get all that food at the end! You know that little one was thinking "I can't wait until I grow up so I can play dead and get a treat!".

  2. That's totally what I thought about the little cat too! It was like he was trying to figure out what was going on and then, at the end, he finally did. Little trooper.

  3. I heart that cat. She looks like she got hit by a truck!
